Overpopulation is one of the biggest problems that affect the development of cities. The horizontal growth, the continuous deterioration of the built-up area and the consequent pollution of the human excesses, have led to the inclusion of policies to stimulate the urban regeneration of urban centres. The advantages of these urban interventions have proved to be very successful, which made these strategies to proliferate and to be implemented, even in areas created from scratch.
Environmental friendly policies are, undoubtedly, a concern in the minds of those who define the rules of urbanization and those who create the projects, whether through garden coverings or through vertical gardens, or even the inclusion of medium size trees as preponderant elements in the design of buildings.
Therefore, ecological issues and the creation of solutions that promote environmental protection are important vectors for JAH BUILDING SOLUTIONS. By intervening directly in the environment and in the development of the territory, we intend to leave a footprint in the environmental protection mission through innovative and differentiating solutions that respond to urban needs.
This is the role of Ecowall, a product consisting of a basic single piece, which, interconnected by steel cables, creates a custom design structure, allowing the installation of a vertical garden in a simple way. Also known as the “green wall”, Ecowall is a landscape intervention in the building, where walls are covered with vegetation through specialized techniques.
These interventions interfere greatly in the microclimate of the surrounding spaces. Besides all the technical advantages, in which the improvements of thermal efficiency stand out, the vertical gardens still have an aesthetic factor of undeniable refinement by their naturalness.
The Ecowall system not only confers a number of unlimited green surface design possibilities, it helps plant growth (as these will have a well-defined growth path) allowing the cultivation of some vegetables, such as lettuce, for own consumption.
“From Knowledge to Market”
With the objective of offering solutions with a clear innovation component, JAH BUILDING SOLUTIONS is finalizing a collaboration agreement with SCIENCENTRIS, a Spinoff company from one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in Portugal: University of Minho.
Under the moto “From Knowledge to Market”, the company operates on transforming the data generated in research and development within the framework of the FIBRENAMICS platform into products with high added value.